Exporting One Liner and/or Shooting Schedule Filter by Date issue
in progress
Davide Sacchetti
I have managed to fix it 😅! There was a scene that for some reason was causing Cinapse trouble & unrest (naughty scene! sc 332 in the first attachment).
I put it in the scrapyard (where it was for some reason showing 2 scs 332 🤪); I duplicated it (it made ONE new one); threw away the 'diabolical twins'; put the duplicate back into the day it belonged and it is now exporting fine.
Herman Phillips
in progress
Herman Phillips
Hi Davide Sacchetti thank you for submitting this. We are aware this is happening sometimes on larger schedules and are working to release a fix as soon as possible, hopefully by end of week.
Davide Sacchetti
My day 48 for some reason goes to the top and is missing between D47 & D49...