Find & Replace
Jason Ruffolo
Would love to be able to find AND replace text throughout. For example if a character name changes from John to Jack, we could search for John and then replace it with Jack. Would be ideal to be able to choose to "replace all" and boom, all instances change to Jack, and would be ideal to also have the option to step-though each occurrence to "approve" that particular replace-instance. Text-case/match-case should be an option to go along with that as well.
Herman Phillips
Jason Ruffolo
Herman Phillips When building the Find / Replace module, please add a keyboard shortcut (CMD-F)? to invoke Find.
Herman Phillips
Hey Jason Ruffolo This feature is indeed planned! Currently, you can update the spelling or name of an element wherever it appears on any breakdown sheets through the Element Manager. However, this doesn't apply to text strings—for example, if you wrote "John" in the synopsis field but later updated the character name to "Bob," the text string would still display as "John." We're actively working on building a Find and Replace feature to address this and make updating text strings seamless.