Would it be possible (it would be AMAZING if it were!) to automatically count the sum of a recurring element (Background specifically - but can apply to other elements) that returns in varying numbers in more than one strip in a day by setting a 'Day's Total' and then when the element returns tag/link/highlight it to say it comes from 'the day's total' (the highest number of that element in a selected strip is the day's total)?
ie: party sequence 🥳!
strip 1 "Waiters are setting the tables" (10 waiters)
strip 2 "The first guests arrive" (50 guests; 10 waiters)
strip 3 "Party in full swing!" (120 guests; 10 waiters)
strip 4 "Party is coming to an end, guests are leaving" (70 guests; 7 waiters)
strip 5 "Party is over, the last waiter switches the lights off & shuts the door" (1 waiter)
so.... if I shoot all of that in a day (yes, I am unrealistically optimistic 😅!) I need a total of 120 guests and 10 waiters (from the day's total: strip 3) and obviously not 50+120+70 guests; 10+10+10+7+1 waiters.
Is it possible for Cinapse to do the 'smart math' 🤪🤓🥺?